form swim goggles

FORM Swim Goggles with Dan Eisenhardt - Creating the World’s First Smart Swim Goggles

FORM Swim Goggles with Dan Eisenhardt - Creating the World’s First Smart Swim Goggles

Dan Eisenhardt is the CEO of FORM, the company behind the world’s first smart swim goggles. Dan is no stranger to swimming and emerging technology - before starting FORM, Dan swam competitively for 14 years and founded Recon Instruments, which introduced the world’s first smart eyewear for sports in 2010. Recon made smart eyewear products for skiing, cycling, and running, and was acquired by Intel in 2015. FORM employs many of those from the original Intel-Recon squad, and thus leverages decades of combined expertise in sports-eyewear design, activity-tracking algorithms, and augmented-reality optics. Basically at FORM, they really know swimming, and really know tech.

Dan and I discussed his journey to creating FORM, all of the goggle’s features (metrics, build quality, open water functionality, etc.), their rigorous development and testing lifecycle, and other fun topics like Dan’s experience filming their promo commercial and his vision on the future of triathlon tech.

I’ve tested the goggles out in both the pool and open water, and I think they’re pretty amazing. They really do what they say they’re going to do, and work pretty damn well.

I had a great time with Dan, and it was a pleasure to have him on the podcast today! I really felt his passion and excitement for the goggles…and I hope that you do too.

Enjoy the chat!